obtain information about a file in windows using ansible playbook

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How do I obtain information about a file in windows using ansible playbook?
Jun 10, 2019 in Ansible by Travis

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Travis, you can use the win_stat module of ansible for this purpose. This module helps you fetch information about a file or folder. Have a look at the Docs for more details on parameters and return values. One of the example to write a task for obtaining information about a file in windows would be something like this:

- name: Obtain information about a file in windows
    path: path to the file
  register: file info

In path you add the path of the file whose information you're trying to obtain and in the register section, you add the information that you'd like to register or save or kept noted.

answered Jun 11, 2019 by Drake
What if I want to get folder information?
Hi Emily, you use the same task but just replace the path from the path to file to path to the folder and you're good to go.

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