What are the benefits of using TestNG with Selenium

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May 31, 2019 in Selenium by Falguni

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote
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Hi Falguni, some of the benefits of using TestNG with Selenium are:

  1. TestNG allows us to execute test cases based on group.

  2. In TestNG Annotations are easy to understand.

  3. Parallel execution of Selenium test cases is possible in TestNG.

  4. Order of execution can be changed

  5. Failed test cases can be executed

  6. Without having main function we can execute the test method.

  7. An xml file can be generated to execute the entire test suite. In that xml file we can   rearrange our execution order and we can also skip the execution of particular test case.

answered May 31, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

selected Jun 3, 2019 by Abha
0 votes

The main advantage of testNG are as follows:

  1. Provides parallel execution of test methods
  2. Allows to assign priority to test methods
  3. Allows grouping of test methods into test groups
  4. It allows to define dependency of one test method over other method
  5. It allows data driven testing using @DataProvider annotation
  6. Has support for parameterizing test cases using @Parameters annotation
  7. It has different assertions that helps in checking the expected and actual results
  8. Creates detailed (HTML) reports
answered Jun 3, 2019 by Rupesh

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