Which programming language should I learn - Python or PHP

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May 28, 2019 in Python by Matilda
• 220 points

2 answers to this question.

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Python's written elegantly and has a simple syntax and framework. Whereas PHP is used strictly for web application development. Python uses indentation over curly braces, whereas PHP uses curly braces and semi-colon to end each statement of the code. 

If you are looking forward to building responsive webpages, I would still recommend you to choose Python 3. Modules like Web2Py extend rich support to Python and allow responsive web pages to be developed using Python.

Python also has significant frameworks like Django, Flask, Web2Py, Pylon - package manager - pip whereas PHP uses Laravel, Symfony, Slim, Codeignitor 

answered May 28, 2019 by Harsh
• 260 points
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It really depends on what you want to learn programming for. If you only want to do back-end web development, PHP might be a practical language to start with. For almost every other situation, I'd go with Python. It's a much more modern language, easier, cleaner to learn, and so on. Hope it helps!
answered Jun 11, 2019 by Morten

reshown Jun 11, 2019 by Vardhan

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