Hi Diksha, you can follow these steps to download and add Log4j Jars to Eclipse IDE:
Download Log4j Jar files:
Go to Apache Logging Services and click Apache log4j.

Click on “Download” on the left side menu.You will always get the latest version here. Click on the ZIP file under Mirrors column.

Click on the highlighted link at the top of the page. Zip file will be saved on your system with in few seconds.

Right click on the Zip file and select “Extract All“. Open the Log4j extracted folder from the saved location.
Add Log4j Jars to Project Library in Eclipse:
- Right click the Project name and navigate to Build Path and select “Configure Build Path“.
- Click on Add External JARS and navigate to the folder where you have kept the Log4j jar files.
- Select the Executable Jar File and click Apply.
- Finally click Apply and Close.