Sir if i have no knowledge of any programming language then it is good or bad for me but i have learned Big Data and Hadoop so i can get a job or not

+1 vote
May 6, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Rahul Choukse

2 answers to this question.

+2 votes
Hi @Rahul. There are few roles in Big Data that does not require programming knowledge. But in the long run, it is important to know programming. So I suggest you learn at least the basics of Java and Python.
answered May 6, 2019 by Kumar
@kumar Please explain what can we do in big data without programming knowledge?

Hi @Sidra, there are some tools in the Hadoop eco-system that do not require programming language. But, you need knowledge of Linux commands and database queries. HDFS, Sqoop, Hive do not require programming language. You just need to know how to query data. You can also check the job role Data Management Analyst. That does not require programming language. 

@kumar Thanks sir
+2 votes

Hey Rahul, 

You have mentioned that you have no idea about the programming language, but you have finish learning Big data and Hadoop? Are you sure that you have learned everything completely? You did not miss out anything?  

answered May 6, 2019 by poonam

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