Show the fields dimensions in filter used in sheet name in Tableau

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I want to show the sales and the country and sub category when selected from parameter and filter action. If i select country on map and select a parameter for sub category. I wan to show these details as the sheet name. How to do this?
Apr 22, 2019 in Tableau by Anitha

1 answer to this question.

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Hi Anitha,

Follow below steps:

1. Create required visual/chart.

2. Now add fields that are not present on the chart. (because only fields that are used in the chart can only be shown in title.)

3. Now Double click on the sheet title, a edit title dialog box pop up

4. Now write any custom text that you require and then click on insert drop down.

5. You can see all parameters from the current data source of the sheet along with different options wrt sheet and workbook.

6. Select the parameter or the field that need to be displayed and enter OK . (You can add a parameter from the drop down.)

Hope this helps you.

answered Apr 22, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points

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