Unable to execute jar- file no main manifest attribute

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I am trying to create a jar file through the terminal instead of using eclipse.

The only problem im running into, is that once i have created the jar file and i try to run it, i received the message “no main manifest attribute”.

I have a main in one of my .jar files.

I have tried making my own manifest file, but im not sure how to.
Apr 21, 2019 in Java by cloakd
• 120 points
Please mention the command you are using to execute the jar file.

2 answers to this question.

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The proper syntax to run a jar file is as follows:

$ java -jar filename.jar

If you are as facing the same error after trying the above command then try passing the package and classname with the command, something like this:

$ java -cp filename.jar com.packagename.classname

And even if this doesn't work then I think you have not created an executable jar file. Refer to this link to know how to create an executable jar.

answered Apr 23, 2019 by Omkar
• 69,230 points
0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2020 by Anonymous

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