How to secure network traffic between an Azure website and Azure VM

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In Azure, you can add VMs to a VNet, but there is no option to add a website to a network. So, what is the recommended way of securing access to a VM (MongoDb) from an Azure website? I don't want my traffic to go through the public internet. I want a way i can direct the traffic to a private connection. Maybe, have the db behind some sort of firewall.

Since the VM will be hosting MongoDb, using SQL Azure or other MsSQL solutions is not an option.
Apr 5, 2019 in Azure by sabby
• 4,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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If you want to use networking and your own database in the VM, it is best to start with reserved websites since shared websites may not be good idea due to resource limitation and other restrictions.

If your DB is MongoDB, then you have two option:

  1. Have your ASP.NET MVC application running in a Virtual Machine (Windows Server + IIS + your app - IaaS) and have MongoDB is running on other Virtual Machine. If both machines are in same DC, you dont need to fiddle with networking.

  2. Have Azure ASP.NET MVC Web Role (PaaS) and a Virtual Machine have MongoDB is running (IaaS).

In both cases you just need to configure a connection string to connect MongoDB and there is no extra network modification needed to make it work as all machines are inside same DC.

answered Apr 5, 2019 by Prerna
• 1,960 points

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