Unable to add date-time variable in UiPath process

+1 vote
I am unable to add a date-time variable in a Sequence in UiPath studio. Can anyone suggest how can I do that?
Mar 25, 2019 in RPA by Nidhi

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Hey @Nidhi, in order to add a DateTime variable in a workflow in UiPath Studio, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Sequence and create two variables, timeToday and timeLast. To set the variable type click on drop-down and click Browse for Types. Now in Search bar type DateTime and select DataTime variable under System.

  2. Create a TimeSpan variable, called timeSpan, and in the Default field type 1.02:10:04.
  3. Now add an Assign activity in the Sequence. In the To field add timeToday and in Value field, type Now. 
  4. Add another Assign activity under the previous one. In the To field, add the timeLast variable and in the Value field, type timeToday.Subtract(timeSpan).
  5. Finally, add a Message Box and type timeToday in text field to see the current time.
answered Mar 25, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

Why we use 1.02:10:04 this ? What's that mean actually ?

Hi Nanda, we used 1.02:10:04 as a value of timeSpan, which means the timespan you wish to keep between the current time and last time. It basically means, you can set whatever value you want as timespan in day.hh:mm:ss format so the timeLast variable will display the currentTime-timeSpan. This value is set as a default to show in which specific format you want to keep your timeSpan. For eg. if you set 0.00:00:00 as default value of timeSpan, you will get current time only as an output of timeLast.

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