Installling PHP on windows

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I am new to programming and backend development interests me. So I want to start learning php, but for that I want to know how to install php on my windows machine? Please help me with the installation.
Feb 28, 2019 in Others by anonymous
Hi... PHP is a scripting language which is used widely for web development. So if you want to install php, keep in mind that php doesn't work or run on its own. Its a part of full development stacks like XAMPP (Cross-Platform Apache-MariaDb-Php-Perl Stack), LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySql-Php), WAMP (Windows-Apache-Mysql-Php) etc. So think about installing any of these stacks.
You should try installing xampp or wamp stack. They are open-source and completely free. And easy to learn too. Its really easy to install wamp or xampp.

1 answer to this question.

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As @Abha and @Abhi suggested, its best to install the full stack as you get to work around them only. So I am going to show you the steps to install WAMP on your system as you have a windows machine. Please follow the steps:

  1. Go to and click on the 'Download' button:

  2. Once .exe file is downloaded, open it. Select the language for installation: 

  3. Next screen will show the Licence Agreement. Click on 'Accept' and click 'Next':

  4. Simply click 'Next' on the Information screen:

  5. Select the Destination Folder by clicking 'Browse' and then click 'Next':

  6.  Select 'Start Menu Folder' by clicking 'Browse' and then click 'Next':

  7. Finally click on 'Install' to start the installation process: 

  8. You can choose a different Browser which will be used by WAMP by clicking 'Yes' or click 'No' to use default browser:

  9. You can also choose another Text Editor by clicking 'Yes' or click 'No' to keep the default text editor:

  10. Finally the installation is complete. It will ask you to click 'Next' to show how Wampserver works:

    And it's done. The wamp server is installed on your device and you can easily write php code in any text editor on your choice and then run it with wamp server. 
    I hope this answer would help you.
answered Feb 28, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

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