How to import EC2 snapshot from S3 backup

0 votes

Hi, I want to know how to backup EC2 snapshots to S3 bucket and import it back afterward. But I want to do it using AWS CLI. I found an article on, in which it was told that you can use 'import' command. But i have trouble understanding how the command works. So any basic examples would be of great help.

Feb 22, 2019 in AWS by datageek
• 3,090 points

2 answers to this question.

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EC2 snapshots are by default stored on Amazon S3 standard storage. However, it's not possible to copy the snapshot to a specific S3 bucket using the AWS CLI. May there is some third party tool available using which you can achieve the required results. But my doubt is why would you want to download a snapshot to your s3 bucket? It's like paying for the snapshot twice!!!

answered Feb 22, 2019 by Archana
• 5,640 points
0 votes
You can visit the documentation for AWS EC2 VM import. You will get a solution there.
answered Feb 23, 2019 by Shashank
• 1,370 points

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