Tools that can perform regression testing and functional testing

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Can I get some tools that can perform regression testing and functional testing?
Feb 18, 2019 in Selenium by Nagya

3 answers to this question.

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These are a few tools used for regression testing and functional testing:

Selenium: This is an open source tool used for automating web applications. Selenium can be used for browser-based regression testing.

Quick Test Professional (QTP): HP Quick Test Professional is automated software designed to automate functional and regression test cases. It uses VBScript language for automation. It is a Data-driven, Keyword based tool. 

Rational Functional Tester (RFT): IBM's rational functional tester is a Java tool used to automate the test cases of software applications. This is primarily used for automating regression test cases and it also integrates with Rational Test Manager. 

answered Feb 18, 2019 by Jobin
0 votes
Visual Regression Testing tools are effectively getting increased day by day and this is really creating pressure for testing teams to choose the right one. However, to help you, here are a few best 5 visual regression testing tools:

1. Wrait

2. PhantomCSS

3. Yandex

4. WebdriverCSS

5. Spectre
answered Aug 20, 2020 by Serena Gray
0 votes


I hope this info is useful to u.

there are few tools that can perform regression testing and functional testing are,

  1. Testimony
  2. Digivante
  3. Testsigma
  4. Sahi Pro
  5. Selenium
  6. Watir
  7. TestComplete
  8. IBM Ra­­­­tional Functional Tester
  9. Katalon Studio
  10. TimeShiftX
  11. Ranorex Studio
  12. TestDrive
  13. AdventNet QEngine
  14. TestingWhiz
  15. WebKing
  16. Regression Tester      
answered Aug 20, 2020 by anonymous
• 210 points

edited Aug 20, 2020 by Gitika

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