Ansible by default gathers facts about machines and these facts can be accessed in playbooks and templates.
ansible -m setup hostname
The above command will list down all the facts(variables) that are available for a particular host.
There three types of variables variables gathered from ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can use the option --list-hosts. It will ...READ MORE
This can work out for you: - name: ...READ MORE
Hey Ayaan, you could probably use this ...READ MORE
Hey @nmentityvibes, you seem to be using ...READ MORE
Consider this - In 'extended' Git-Flow, (Git-Multi-Flow, ...READ MORE
It can work if you try to put ...READ MORE
When you use docker-compose down, all the ...READ MORE
Hey @Ninja, that is possible. What you ...READ MORE
Yes @Nagray, you're right! You can access ...READ MORE
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