Contiki-OS CoAP protocol and CoRE link implementation

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So, I have a question concerning the implementation of CoAP protocol and CoRE link format, in Contiki-OS.

Consider a Contiki device shares several sensors such as temperature, humidity, solar panel voltage, battery voltage, etc.

A client can access these resources with their respective URLs and the maximum number allowed observers by default is 3 which can obviously be increased by creating an observer for each resource separately.

But my question is if there is a better way to do this like a mechanism enabling combining several periodic resources in one observer?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Jan 21, 2019 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Shubham
• 13,490 points

edited Jan 21, 2019 by Shubham 1,368 views

1 answer to this question.

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I don't think there's a standard way to do this. You could add another URL returning all the sensors but that's a terrible solution as well. What you could do actually, is simply override the default maximum observers setting. As a matter of fact, the observe draft doesn't say anything about a maximum number of observers, you can set one to be sure that your device doesn't crash due to memory allocation.

answered Jan 21, 2019 by Upasana
• 8,620 points

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