Index was outside the bounds of the array Blue Prism Spy

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Whenever am trying to spy, the below error is throwing. 

System.ApplicationException: Exception getting Java Identfier KeyBindings Exception: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

I can spy the first element which is very fine, but second element its showing the same error. But again i have disconnect and terminate the application and BP, again start over -> i can spy the second element. 

Can anyone please help me. am struggling for a long time. (AM using windows 10, java higher version, 64 bit OS)

Jan 14, 2019 in RPA by Jasu

recategorized Jan 14, 2019 by Vardhan 2,235 views
@Jasu are there more element then the array size?
@Jasu, this error occurs when you are trying to access an index outside of the current bounds of the array.

e.g. you have an array of 5 items. (array {1,2,3,4,5}) if you try to get the item from index 5 (array(5)) you will get this error as there is actually only 5 indexes (the max being 4 as arrays start at 0).

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