Difference between continuous Integration and continuous development configuration management tools

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What is the Difference between continuous Integration and continuous development configuration management tools?
Dec 17, 2018 in DevOps & Agile by Ali
• 11,360 points

1 answer to this question.

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Have a look at this:

Continuous Integration :

I'm sure you would have come across many definitions and technical explanations, but let me explain this with an example. Suppose you are working on a project with a team of 5 people, all concerned with different aspects. What happens with Continuous Integration is, there exists a shared repository which contains the main updated code. Every member from the team pulls that and starts working on them independently and commit their changes which will automatically get integrated with the actual code and also with the codes of other team members. This just makes the development process faster and convenient. 

Continuous deployment:

Continuous deployment is an extension of continuous delivery that automatically deploys each build that passes the full test cycle. What happens in continuous delivery is once the design is made, simultaneously people start working on the deployment part and testing and once it's tested, the integration is automatically done and ready for delivery. With Continuous Deployment, every change that is made is automatically deployed to production. 

Accelerate your DevOps journey with Continuous Testing in DevOps and ensure quality at every stage of your software development lifecycle

answered Dec 17, 2018 by Arohi

edited Dec 19, 2018 by Kalgi

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