How do neural networks used in AI and deep learning learn

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How do neural networks used in AI and deep learning learn?
Nov 30, 2018 in Others by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

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Typically, a neural network is initially trained or fed large amounts of data. Training consists of providing input and telling the network what the output should be defining the rules and making determinations -- that is, each node decides what to send on to the next tier based on its own inputs from the previous tier -- neural networks use several principles. These include gradient-based training, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and Bayesian methods. They may be given some basic rules about object relationships in the space being modelled. 

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answered Nov 30, 2018 by Kailash
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A neural network is a hardware or software system patterned after the operation of neurons in the human brain. You can say that neural network is a part of Artificial Intelligence. It is also called artificial neural networks(ANN) and it used a variety of deep learning technology, which also falls under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence or AI. Applications of these technologies generally focus on solving complex signal processing or pattern recognition problems.

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answered Apr 8, 2019 by SA
• 1,090 points

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