Mosquitto vs eclipse paho - Difference in both client libraries

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I was just checking out all the details about Eclipse PAHO and Mosquitto client libraries (MQTT C++ libraries). And, it seems like PAHO uses the Mosquitto MQTT broker but provides its own set of MQTT client libraries. The Mosquitto library also provides a way to implement client libraries for Mosquitto MQTT broker.

So, can anyone tell me about the major difference between both these client libraries? Which is one generally preferred over the other and why? Also, why and how Eclipse supports using both?

Thanks In Advance!

Nov 22, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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I was stuck with the exact same dilemma on if I should be going with Paho or Mosquitto c++ client library for an embedded linux device. First, I tried a minimal application with PAHO as It supported every feature that I needed while the cpp-library-wrapper did not. So, my opinion of the main project branch paho.mqtt.cpp is that it has not been maintained too well, like say, they lack these two important features:

  • encryption
  • set all connect options like mqtt-version, etc

These are not offered through the mainBranch cpp-lib in PAHO. I use libmosquitto with libmosquittopp wrapper now and as you can see, my decision leans towards the cpp-library only. But, just like you, I'm still curious about more differences between the underlying C-libraries.

answered Nov 22, 2018 by nirvana
• 3,130 points

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