You can use torchvision.transforms to preprocess datasets in generative models by composing a sequence of transformations to normalize, resize, and augment the data. These transformations are essential for preparing input data for the generator and discriminator.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:

In the above, we have key transformations like:
- Resize: Ensures input images match the required resolution (e.g., 64x64 for GANs).
- ToTensor: Converts PIL images to PyTorch tensors.
- Normalize: Scales pixel values to fit the range required by the model (e.g., [-1, 1] for Tanh activation).
The usage would be:
- Use the transform pipeline for consistent preprocessing.
- Augmentation (e.g., RandomFlip, ColorJitter) can be added to increase data diversity for training.
Hence, By referring to the following, you can use torchvision transforms for preprocessing datasets in generative models.