Is Node js code visible to the client side

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Is Node.js code visible to the client side?

I’m working on a Node.js application and wondering if the code I write in Node.js is visible to users on the client side. Since it’s a server-side runtime, I assume it’s hidden, but I want to confirm how it works and what parts of the code, if any, might be exposed to users.

Nov 26 in Web Development by Nidhi
• 3,820 points

1 answer to this question.

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Minimizing (or minifying) JavaScript files in a Node.js application is essential to optimize performance by reducing file sizes and improving load times.

1. Use a Minification Tool

Popular tools for minifying JavaScript files include:

UglifyJS: A widely used JavaScript minifier.

Terser: A modern and highly efficient alternative to UglifyJS.

Steps to Minify with Terser

Install Terser:

npm install terser -g

Minify Your File:

terser yourfile.js -o yourfile.min.js

This command creates a minified version of your file.

2. Automate with Build Tools

Use build tools like Webpack or Parcel to automate minification.

Using Webpack

Install Webpack and Webpack CLI:

npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev

Create a webpack.config.js File:

const path = require('path');module.exports = {    entry: './src/index.js',    output: {        filename: 'bundle.min.js',        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),    },    mode: 'production', // Enables minification};

Run Webpack:

npx webpack

Using Parcel

Install Parcel:

npm install -g parcel-bundler

Bundle and Minify:

parcel build yourfile.js

answered Nov 27 by Navya

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