Pod not running as expected in kubernetes

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I've created a kube cluster and I'm trying to deploy a simple application. All my nodes ready nd my pods up and running. I'm facing a very weird problem with one of my pod. Its not running as expected. Am I doing something wrong with the deployment or is there some other issue that i'm unaware of. Any help will be appreciated... Thanks you..
Oct 26, 2018 in Kubernetes by Hannah
• 18,540 points

1 answer to this question.

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Heyy @Hannah, It may be that there was an error in your pod description (e.g. mypod.yaml file on your local machine), and that the error was silently ignored when you created the pod. Often a section of the pod description is nested incorrectly, or a key name is typed incorrectly, and so the key is ignored. For example, if you misspelled command as commnd then the pod will be created but will not use the command line you intended it to use.

The first thing to do is to delete your pod and try creating it again with the --validate option. For example, run kubectl create --validate -f mypod.yaml. If you misspelled command as commndthen will give an error like this:

I0805 10:43:25.129850   46757 schema.go:126] unknown field: commnd
I0805 10:43:25.129973   46757 schema.go:129] this may be a false alarm, see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/6842

The next thing to check is whether the pod on the apiserver matches the pod you meant to create (e.g. in a yaml file on your local machine). For example, run kubectl get pods/mypod -o yaml > mypod-on-apiserver.yaml and then manually compare the original pod description, mypod.yaml with the one you got back from apiserver, mypod-on-apiserver.yaml. There will typically be some lines on the “apiserver” version that are not on the original version. This is expected. However, if there are lines on the original that are not on the apiserver version, then this may indicate a problem with your pod spec.

answered Oct 26, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points

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