How can you revert a commit in Git without losing changes

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How can you revert a commit in Git without losing changes?

I accidentally committed some changes in Git that I want to undo, but I don't want to lose the actual changes made in the commit. How can I revert a commit in Git while keeping the changes in my working directory so that I can modify or re-commit them later? Any suggestions or commands to achieve this without losing my work would be really helpful

Nov 6 in Web Development by Nidhi
• 3,820 points

1 answer to this question.

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We can use git revert

It is an “undo” command, but technically it is much more than that. Git revert does not delete any commit in this project history. Instead, it inverts the changes implemented in a commit and appends new commits with the opposite effect.

Let’s see the steps:

Identify the Commit: Find the hash of the commit you want to revert by running:

git log

Revert the Commit: Use git revert with the commit hash:

git revert <commit-hash>

You can replace <commit-hash> with the hash of commit you want to undo.

Git will create  new commit which will undergo the changes of the specified commit.

If there will be any error , git will inform you and you need to resolve that error first.

Finalize the Revert: Once conflicts are resolved, add the changes and complete the revert with:

git commit
answered Nov 6 by kavya

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