How do you manage infrastructure state with Terraform in dynamic environments

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How do you manage infrastructure state with Terraform in dynamic environments?

Proper handling is required to avoid conflicts in managing infrastructure state in dynamic environments. Describe strategies such as remote state storage with backends, such as S3 and Terraform Cloud, state locking, and version control, so that changes are tracked and conflicts are minimized. Describe how you handle sensitive data within state files and maintain state integrity across environments.
Nov 3 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 4,640 points

1 answer to this question.

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Storage: Terraform state files and its lock are stored in the following backends, such as remote like AWS S3 with DynamoDB state locking, Terraform Cloud, or even Azure Blob Storage. Storing Terraform state files into these backends helps manage consistency across teams and pipeline pipelines, thus preventing a race condition and enabling an easier collaboration and state file locking to avoid concurrent updates.

Environment-specific State Files and Workspaces: Terraform Workspaces provide isolated state management for each environment, allowing each environment to have its own state file and preventing cross-environment changes. For dynamic infrastructure, I use data sources to fetch real-time information, enabling configurations to adapt to current cloud states without extensive manual setup. This keeps the infrastructure configuration flexible and responsive to changes in the cloud.

Versioning of state files and backups: I regularly backup state files. I will enable versioning on S3 buckets or equivalent. This will provide an easy rollback mechanism when corruption happens. So, I can easily get back to the previous version of infrastructure whenever needed using versioning and tagging.

answered Nov 12 by Gagana
• 5,810 points

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