How can i implement Flutter flip animation for book reading app

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I am currently working on Ebook reader app and looking to implement the book page flip effect in flutter.

I have tried Using the flip_widget but it does not have feature to render from file extension such as epub or pdf.

I have also tried using bookFx package but the package has support for images only. So, I also tried fetching pdf pages and converting to images but it did not work too.

There are other packages too but the problem with most of the packages are either not maintained or does not have support for flip animation

Mar 16, 2023 in Android by sarit
• 1,830 points

1 answer to this question.

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Implementing a book page flip effect in Flutter can be challenging, especially if you want to render pages from file extensions such as epub or pdf. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Use a third-party package: There are several Flutter packages available that offer page flip animations, such as flutter_page_transition and flutter_flip_view. These packages may not have support for rendering pages from epub or pdf files, but they can be a good starting point for implementing basic flip animations.

  2. Convert pages to images: One solution to render pages from epub or pdf files is to convert them to images using a package like pdf_render or epub_viewer. Once you have the pages in image format, you can use a package like flip_widget or bookFx to create the page flip animation.

  3. Implement custom animation: Another option is to implement a custom animation using Flutter's animation API. This approach requires more work, but it gives you more control over the animation and allows you to render pages from any file format.

In short, implementing a book page flip effect in Flutter for an ebook reader app may require a combination of approaches, such as using third-party packages, converting pages to images, and implementing custom animations. It's important to evaluate the available options and choose the one that best fits your app's requirements.

To know more, join our Flutter Development Course today.

answered Mar 20, 2023 by Tej

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