flutter remove back button on appbar

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I am wondering, if anyone knows of a way to remove the back button that shows up on the appBar in a flutter app when you use Navigator.pushNamed to go to another page. The reason I do not want it on this resulting page is that it is coming from the navigation and I want users to use the logout button instead, so that the session starts over.

Mar 9, 2023 in Android by sarit
• 1,830 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can remove the back button from the AppBar in Flutter by setting the AppBar's leading property to null. Here's an example:

  leading: null,
  // other AppBar properties

In your case, you can conditionally set the leading property to null based on whether the current page is the resulting page or not. Here's an example:

  leading: Navigator.of(context).canPop() ? null : IconButton(
    icon: Icon(Icons.logout),
    onPressed: () {
      // handle logout
  // other AppBar properties

In this example, the leading property is set to null if the current page can be popped (i.e., there is a previous page on the navigation stack), and it's set to an IconButton with an "logout" icon and a callback that handles the logout if the current page cannot be popped (i.e., it's the resulting page).

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answered Mar 10, 2023 by vinayak

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