How to Share the files from local system Mac Book to Edureka VM

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How to Share the files from local system Mac Book to Edureka VM
Dec 18, 2017 in Data Analytics by Satya

1 answer to this question.

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Hey Satya,

Hope you're doing great.

Would you please take a look at the following,

You can download and install filezilla, which is a tool to transfer the files from your local system to the VM and vice versa.

To download Filezilla for MAC, please visit the below link and download the filzilla,

Now, once you have downloaded the above file, please install it.

Once the installtion is done, then please download the attached document containing steps so transfer a file from your local system to the VM.

Note: Skip the Filezilla installtion steps, as you've already downloaded the Filezilla, so just follow to steps to transfer files.

Please let us know if you are facing any issues.

We're eagerly waiting for your response.

Note : File attached of How to transfer.

answered Dec 18, 2017 by Sudhir
• 1,610 points

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