Do you know how to parameterize the cells' format and what it can be related to?
I'm using the "," as the decimal separator and the "" as the thousands separator in my advanced settings.
Because I simply want to alter the format of the cells, I would like not to use a formula. For now, I've created a "mirror" page using =ROUND(Cell/1000000;0) to display Millions, which is a workaround that's not very satisfactory. Currently, I get #N/A as the return.

If there is a way to have the cell look in the red region for a value that matches 1/1/23 (formatted as a custom format to only show the day number), then return the value in column 1, I'm going to assume there is one (the week number)
O25:O36 in my instance is simply 1/1/23:1/12/23. Just referencing the neighboring cell for O, N25:N36 are identical.
If there is a simpler way to have a cell return the weeknumber for the first day of every month, please let me know so I can put a cell on the front! based on the value in =Front, return the week number! That would be nice as well.