Excel number formatting thousands is not working

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I'm attempting to format my numbers in Excel such that they appear as thousands. Replace 1000 with 1 k. Typically, I utilise Excel's numerical format. I put a "space" or a "," after the final digit of my formatting, depending on the language, to get a division of x1000.

In the past, I had format thousands of numbers as: "K" (US) or "K" with no spaces (French, for instance) Format millions in numbers: "M" (US) or "M" with two spaces (French, for instance)

But now it doesn't work, and instead of showing thousands or millions of, it just displays my numbers with a comma or two at the end.

Do you know how to parameterize the cells' format and what it can be related to?

I'm using the "," as the decimal separator and the "" as the thousands separator in my advanced settings.

Because I simply want to alter the format of the cells, I would like not to use a formula. For now, I've created a "mirror" page using =ROUND(Cell/1000000;0) to display Millions, which is a workaround that's not very satisfactory.
Feb 16, 2023 in Others by narikkadan
• 63,720 points

1 answer to this question.

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Follow these steps:

1- choose cells you want to change the format.

2- Press Ctrl+1 to open the formatting popup (Number tab)

3- select 'Custom'

4- Enter this pattern for converting into thousands with K: #,##0.0, "K"

5- And this pattern for converting into millions with M: #,##0.0,,"M"

Also Read: How To Download Excel In Response From API in React.Js

answered Feb 16, 2023 by Kithuzzz
• 38,020 points

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