How to get filtered value of an item as line chart which is absent from column chart in combined chart in Power BI

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I have a pivot table dataset with sales values for A, B, C, D, and E for the years 2030 and 2050. It looks like this:

enter image description here

I want to get a combined chart showing A, B, C, and D as columns. And E as a line. I select Year as the axis, Product as a legend, and Sum of sales as series to get the pivot chart.

enter image description here

Initially, the chart looks as follows: enter image description here

But using the combined chart feature, I select product E as the line chart and get the required chart: enter image description here

I am trying to do something similar in Power BI. enter image description here

I also created a new measure E_sales:

E_sales = Calculate(sum(sheet1[sales]), filter(sheet1, Sheet1[Product]="E"))

However, I want to remove E from the column chart. And when I filter out E from the column chart, the line for E also gets removed. How can I fix this such that I have only A, B, C, and D as columns and E as a line chart similar to what I have in Excel above? enter image description here

Feb 14, 2023 in Others by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

1 answer to this question.

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By making a new measure that didn't include product E and using it for column values instead of the measure that only includes E values for line values, I was able to fix the issue.

ProductExceptE = calculate(sum(Sheet1[Sales]), filter(sheet1, Sheet1[Product]<>"E"))

enter image description here

answered Feb 14, 2023 by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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