Automatically move an entire row of reference cell when one cell is moved or manipulated

+1 vote

I've got multiple Excel sheets. The list of colleges is on Sheet 1 (the master sheet). We make mention of those colleges in other sheets. The other sheets now add a new cell in that same location when we add a new row to the master sheet, but they do not shift the complete row. What will therefore be the optimal course of action? by use of certain scripts?

Exact problem description:

[EDIT] Sheet 1: This is main sheet with college name (Cname) and their joining year (Cval).

Cname1 Cval1
Cname2 Cval2
Cname3 Cval3
Cnmae4 Cval4

Sheet 2: This is another sheet which has college names referenced from Sheet 1 (Cname) and one column of any random person name (Dval).

Cname1 Dval1
Cname2 Dval2
Cname3 Dval3
Cnmae4 Dval4

Sheet 1: If in Sheet 1, I add a new row:

Cname1 Cval1
Cname2 Cval2
Cname3 Cval3
Cnmae4 Cval4

Sheet 2: In Sheet 2, I see a new cell in the row, but the other column (person name) remains as it is.

Cname1 Dval1
Cname2 Dval2
Cname3 Dval4

If we were to move all the cells in the row, if the first cell of the row moves, what will be the best way to achieve this?

Jan 15, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,010 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes
You are describing how manually entered data and formula outcomes diverge. There is no all-inclusive way to circumvent the problem. Consider rearranging the tabs in your spreadsheet so that all of the information that belongs together is in one tab.

In order to address your query, you need set up a trigger that tracks row inserts and deletes and, as needed, adds and removes rows across additional tabs. For an example of code, see the autoInsertAndDeleteRows_ script.
answered Jan 15, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,720 points

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