Dynamic selection of values in YAML deployment pipelines

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I'm developing a pipeline to introduce certain "code" (the internal processes of a product) into a setting.

We use Git tags to organize and flag candidates for promotion, while the Build phase is entirely automated.

When running a DevOps pipeline manually, you can choose a branch or tag that corresponds to the version of the repository source you want to work with. I've seen examples of how to set up parameters in a DevOps pipeline.

I want to incorporate the 2:

Select the intended environment.

for instance: Test, QA, and Production

The tags that you can select are then filtered by the pipeline.

We want the deployment process to proceed in a specific order, so you can only deploy something into QA after it has already been pushed into Test, etc.

Pick a tag from the filtered list.

The pipeline now releases the version associated with the tag you choose from the curated selections.
Dec 13, 2022 in DevOps on Cloud by Nicholas
• 7,760 points

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