I want to use the Excel PMT function in Javascript. The parameter would be:
Pmt( interest_rate, number_payments, PV, FV, Type )
interest_rate : the interest rate for the loan.
number_payments : the number of payments for the loan.
PV : the present value or principal of the loan.
FV : It is the future value or the loan amount outstanding after all payments have been made.
Type is : It indicates when the payments are due. Type can be one of the following values:
0, 1
You can refer to: http://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/pmt.php
this is the code I use, I am stuck on the last parameter. Which is "type is" 0 or 1. How does it affect the calculations, please?
function PMT (ir, np, pv, fv ) {
ir - interest rate per month
np - number of periods (months)
pv - present value
fv - future value (residual value)
pmt = ( ir * ( pv * Math.pow ( (ir+1), np ) + fv ) ) / ( ( ir + 1 ) * ( Math.pow ( (ir+1), np) -1 ) );
return pmt;
I need it in plain Javascript and not in jQuery, please.