Android Open and Save files to from Google Drive SDK

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I've been poring at Google documents for the last six hours, but I still have no idea where to begin. I simply want to add support for reading files from Google Drive, adding new files to Google Drive, and editing files already present there to my existing Android app.

I've read that the Drive SDK v2 was mainly intended to make it simple for Android (and mobile) developers to utilise, but there doesn't seem to be much information in their documentation about it.

I'd like if someone could direct me to some good instructions, an illustration, or a tutorial on how to do this (bearing in mind that I'm using Android). (I've previously looked at it and have no idea how to transition from that to an Android app, but they offer a tonne of information on how to use Drive with the Google App Engine.)

To acquire a list of files from Google Drive, download one, then upload a modified version, I need to know which libraries I need to download and add to my project, what to add to my manifest, and how to get a list of files from Google Drive.

In a perfect world, I would like it to manage accounts automatically, much like the official Google Drive app does.

Dec 10, 2022 in Android by sarit
• 1,830 points

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