Logical calculation in Excel

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I need advice/help. I am working on calculation in excel where I have data like mentioned below.

.    A        B        C        D        E        F        G        H         
1|   A275     A277     A273     A777     A777     TOTAL    A222     GRAND TOTAL
2|   5        7        4        3        4        7        7  

Now, I want to count row 2 based on the header.
Here is the condition.
If A1 <> B1 then take A1, if B1 <> C1 then take B1, if C1 <> D1 then C1, so on.

But tricky part is...
If D1<>E1 then D1 else (if E1<>F1 then E1 else (if F1 = "TOTAL" then F1 else(if F1<>G1 then F1)))
In short H2 should have 30 and not 37.

Added comments:------------------------------------
So, Basically if A1<>B1 then take A1 but if A1=B1 then take B1, but then for B1, its a same rule like if B1<>C1 then take B1, but if B1=C1 then take C1 and for C1, same rule. Stopping point will be "TOTAL"Along with these logic I need to check if any cell in row 1 is "TOTAL" then take value for same column. Now this "TOTAL" can be in any cell in row 1.
So from above table my calculation will be 5(A2) + 7(B2) + 4(C2) + 7(F2) + 7(G2) = 30
In this calculation I have not included D2 and E2 as D2=E2 so I took D2, here E2<>F2 so I should have taken E2, but as F2="TOTAL" so I took F2 and not D2 and E2.
I hope this make sense. (Sorry, I know its confusing.)
I have data in more then 100 columns.
Can this be achieved using Macro?

Another pain point is data and header are dynamic, so I can't have a fix format. Logic should be in a way that can handle the dynamic data and header.

Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


Nov 7, 2022 in Others by gaurav
• 23,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Excel logical functions - overview. Microsoft Excel provides 4 logical functions to work with the logical values. The functions are AND, OR, XOR and NOT. You use these functions when you want to carry out more than one comparison in your formula or test multiple conditions instead of just one.

answered Nov 8, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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