- I have two index match formulas looking at another excel tab pivot data
- Both formulas have IFERROR = 0
- And overall an IFERROR to return 0
Above works OK.
I now need to average so if the first index match return 30 and the second index match return 20 I need (30+20)=50/2 = 25
If the first index match return 0 and the second index match return 40 I need (0+40)=40/1 = 40 and vice versa
Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve IF(AND(, can AVERAGEIF or IFS be used or something else to keep it simple?
Example of Data Table being used:


Thanks, Gridlock but your example is missing the last match in the top formula e.g. if you had this:

Put formula in cell G3 =INDEX($M$3:$O$8,MATCH(G$1&$D3,$L$3:$L$8,0),MATCH($F3,$M$2:$O$2,0)).
Can someone please help me with this?