How can I achieve a functionality where an action is performed after a payment is received

+1 vote

I am building a website with condition based payment receiving functionality. Now, what I want is that there should be an option to someone wants to get their blog post ranked higher or pinned to the top of our website: a person buys that feature for 0.2 ETH, the system checks our wallet for the customer's address and the amount, and then runs a script which would pin the blog post to the top of the website automatically.

Apr 20, 2018 in Blockchain by anonymous

edited Aug 9, 2018 by Omkar 700 views

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

See this can be achieved in more than one ways: You can achieve this with event triggering code in solidity smart contract where you can write a condition to trigger the payment after payment is received. Also, for Off-chain there is a server waiting for the event and when it is trigered it perform the required action.

answered Apr 21, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points

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