Is it possible to override remove background none important with jQuery

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I have an element which should have a background image, but it's been given the following style in a stylesheet that I'm not able to access/modify:

#an-element li {
  background: none !important;

Is it possible to undo that style with jQuery? I've tried to add background: inhert!important with jQuery in two ways: by adding an inline style, and by removing an applied style. Neither work.

Here is a Fiddle illustrating the problem:

UPDATE: I had the wrong fiddle link, please look again.

UPDATE 2: I cannot edit the stylesheet. I've changed the title to be more clear now. I have to do this with jQuery as I can't control the loading order of the CSS files, but can run jQuery onload.

UPDATE 3: I can't explicitly set the 'kitten' pic (see the fiddle) with a more accurate CSS selector like selector like #an-element .image-list li as some are suggesting as those images are being written out on the fly. The jsFiddle was just an example. To make it clearer still: Can the effects of the background: none be undone with PURE jQuery and NOT editing of any stylesheets. Thanks for sticking with this!

Aug 19, 2022 in Web Development by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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