How can I create a simple page vertical scroll bar without using jQuery

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I have looked at I think all the scrollbars code but have not yet been able to find a simple one that does not use jQuery or a somewhat complex library.

Has anyone created there own simple scrollbar using just Javascript? What I am looking for is an example of how this can be done.
Jun 22, 2022 in Web Development by gaurav
• 23,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Surprisingly, there is not a great, simple solution out there using vanilla JavaScript. I made a pure JS lightweight, minimal cross browser solution. Adjust to your own needs and aesthetics

*Update 2019
The W3C has a working document that is on standards track to improve this out of the box through the css specification. Although limiting, if you want to use cutting edge css you can now style your scroll bars through the scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width. For more information please check

Here is the fiddle and CodePen


    <div id="main" class="scrollable">
        <div class="content-wrapper">
            <div class="content">
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt accusamus maxime voluptatem quasi. Recusandae optio nobis ratione iste consectetur consequatur cupiditate saepe laborum natus neque a provident eum explicabo delectus qui accusantium nostrum reiciendis soluta hic ut at sed laboriosam possimus repudiandae deserunt velit rerum. Aliquam ratione itaque corrupti aperiam quisquam unde aspernatur odio id repellendus corporis eaque expedita in ab minus possimus! Quo tempore consequatur repellat consectetur nemo molestiae perferendis ipsum esse nesciunt blanditiis nobis dicta? Laudantium quaerat inventore deleniti exercitationem explicabo quos pariatur sunt earum labore sed eius blanditiis architecto consequuntur ad consectetur unde sapiente nisi. Sunt eos.</p>
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt accusamus maxime voluptatem quasi. Recusandae optio nobis ratione iste consectetur consequatur cupiditate saepe laborum natus neque a provident eum explicabo delectus qui accusantium nostrum reiciendis soluta hic ut at sed laboriosam possimus repudiandae deserunt velit rerum. Aliquam ratione itaque corrupti aperiam quisquam unde aspernatur odio id repellendus corporis eaque expedita in ab minus possimus! Quo tempore consequatur repellat consectetur nemo molestiae perferendis ipsum esse nesciunt blanditiis nobis dicta? Laudantium quaerat inventore deleniti exercitationem explicabo quos pariatur sunt earum labore sed eius blanditiis architecto consequuntur ad consectetur unde sapiente nisi. Sunt eos.</p>
    <div>Not special and not contained within scrolling</div>
answered Jun 22, 2022 by rajatha
• 7,680 points

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