Difference between Turbo C and Borland C compiler closed

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I compiled two pieces of code using the Turbo C++ 3.0 and Borland C++ 5.02 compilers, and the results are as follows:

First Code

void main()

Second Code

void main()
and i got these results from them :
- Borland C++ (First Code) : 51KB
- Borland C++ (Second Code) : 51KB
- Turbo C++ (First Code) : 5.89KB
- Turbo C++ (First Code) : 16.3KB
I checked two Borland execute files with a hex viewer and realize they are exactly the same.
I examined the First Code form these compilers in IDA pro and come across these graphs :


Now I'd like you to respond to these questions.

1-Why are Borland C++ compiled files the same when one obviously lacks certain inclusion and the other does?

2-Why are the Boland C++ compiled files so large? 

(almost ten times larger) and what is compiled that large?

3-When I submit the First Code to this Site, I can view the assembly code of a basic void main function and discover that the Borland C++ code is pretty similar but the Turbo C++ assembly code is highly intricate and not the same, why?

4-How did this basic code, generated using Turbo C++, generate so many functions, as seen in the graph?

Jun 20, 2022 in C++ by Nicholas
• 7,760 points

1 answer to this question.

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I will try my best to respond, but you may need to post your queries to the Borland forums for more extensive responses.

Upgrade your compilers in any case.

1-Why are Borland C++ compiled files the same when one obviously lacks certain inclusion and the other does?

Your programme is ineffective and inaccurate.

(The main function always returns an int.)

You are free to include as many header files as you wish.

Because you do not utilise them, no additional code is created.

There are no header files required for your software.

They both serve the same purpose.

2-Why are the Boland C++ compiled files so large?

(almost ten times larger) and what is compiled that large?

There are several options.

You must examine the resulting assembly code, machine code, or post to the Borland forums.

This is also affected by whether you compiled in Debug or Release mode.

It also depends on whether or not you built for static or dynamic libraries.

Fundamentally, the Borland Compiler may be creating code that is compatible with newer versions of Windows than Turbo C++ was mandated to support.

Investigate the distinction between the ".com" and ".exe" file types.
answered Jun 21, 2022 by Damon
• 4,960 points

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