How to shorten repeating code with html function and return tags in jquery

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I'm just learning how to shorten repeating code. Perhaps someone can point me to where I can learn more about this?

      var dph = $("#description-paste-here");
      dph.html(function () {
        return $(this).html().replace("Please see the valuation for more information.", "This item comes with a valuation.", "For more information on this or any other item you may have seen please feel free to send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.", "");
      dph.html(function () {
        return $(this).html().replace("<br><br>For more information on this or any other item you may have seen please feel free to send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.", "");
      dph.html(function () {
        var findSHDL = $('#thestoreshdl').html();
        return $(this).html().replace("00002340", findSHDL);
      dph.html(function () {
        var findStore = $('#thestorelocation').html();
        return $(this).html().replace("East Victoria Park", findStore);
      dph.html(function () {
        var findHours = $('#thestorehours').html();
        return $(this).html().replace("9:30am – 5pm Monday to Saturday", findHours);
}, 100);

Jun 15, 2022 in JQuery by gaurav
• 23,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Firstly note that replace() only accepts two arguments, the string to search for and the string to replace it with. The first example provides multiple arguments which will be ignored. I presume this is just a typo.

With regards to your question, the simplest way to achieve your goal would be to hold the search.replace values in an array of objects which can be iterated through.

In addition, as you're working on the HTML of the same element in each function, you can join them all in to a single action. Try this:

let replacements = [{
  target: 'Please see the valuation for more information. This item comes with a valuation. For more information on this or any other item you may have seen please feel free to send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.',
  replacement: ''
}, {
  target: '<br><br>For more information on this or any other item you may have seen please feel free to send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.',
  replacement: ''
}, {
  target: '00002340',
  replacement: $('#thestoreshdl').html()
}, {
  target: 'East Victoria Park',
  replacement: $('#thestorelocation').html()
}, {
  target: '9:30am – 5pm Monday to Saturday',
  replacement: $('#thestorehours').html()

setTimeout(() => {
  $("#description-paste-here").html((i, h) => {
    replacements.forEach(o => h = h.replace(, o.replacement));
    return h;
}, 100);
.hidden {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="description-paste-here">
  Please see the valuation for more information. This item comes with a valuation. For more information on this or any other item you may have seen please feel free to send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.
  <br><br>For more information on this or any other item you may have seen please feel free to send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.
  <br /><br /> 00002340
  <br /><br /> East Victoria Park
  <br /><br /> 9:30am – 5pm Monday to Saturday

<div class="hidden" id="thestoreshdl">The store HDL...</div>
<div class="hidden" id="thestorelocation">The location...</div>
<div class="hidden" id="thestorehours">The store hours...</div>
answered Jun 15, 2022 by rajatha
• 7,680 points

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