Try this code Snippet I found here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/27a8b7a8-8071-4bc1-bbd4-e7c1fc2bd8d7/windows-10-iot-core-how-do-you-create-a-tcp-server-and-client?forum=WindowsIoT ...READ MORE
I don't think the MQ135 can do ...READ MORE
Finding the mac-address would probably work. Basically, ...READ MORE
You don't read data from a MQTT ...READ MORE
The instance doesn't need to be surrounded by try/catch, but ...READ MORE
This is pretty off-topic, but I'll supply ...READ MORE
For some reason, the pip install of ...READ MORE
Check if the FTP ports are enabled ...READ MORE
To connect to EC2 instance using Filezilla, ...READ MORE
I had a similar problem with trying ...READ MORE
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