Salesforce - trigger auto-response rule after creating case through API

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To create a Case, I'm utilising the Salesforce REST API. I assign the SuppliedEmail field, as well as all other required fields, to the email address of the user who is establishing the case. The case is generated appropriately in Salesforce, but the auto-response rule that was set up for it does not work. I confirmed that the rule is active and working, and that all of the rule's conditions are met, so it's not a case of the rule not matching.

The issue is that after a Case is created via the API, Salesforce does not evaluate or trigger auto-response rules. You can set this using the EmailHeader in the SOAP API, but I can't find a way to do it via the REST API.

I'm making a POST request to the URI /sobjects/Case with the JSON value of the case itself as the request body.

Is there a way to set the EmailHeader.triggerAutoResponseEmail field to true using the REST API, perhaps through some additional field in the request body?
Mar 29, 2022 in SalesForce by surbhi
• 3,820 points

1 answer to this question.

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Less complexity, on the other hand, generally always entails fewer features. One of them is the loss of API headers. In Java, you may use several different toolkits to consume WSDL, whereas in.NET, WCF is basically worthless because Microsoft doesn't like SOAP headers (standards be damned).

So either use WSDL/SOAP or construct a workflow rule that fires when a Case is created and sends an email to the specified address.

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answered Apr 1, 2022 by CoolCoder
• 4,420 points

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