Tableau - Dotted Line Instead of a Continuous one Pareto chart

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I created a Pareto chart using the instructions (video) at

Their lines are continuous from the start, and their bar charts are filled in areas beneath the curve rather than individual bars. I'm working with my own data collection, which includes dotted lines and distinct bars.

I'm following the video's instructions step by step, therefore there must be some underlying setting that's different. I'm using Tableau 10.0.2, which I just installed.

The column for the line is CNTD(Product), which stands for continuous and count distinct. SUM(Sales) is a continuous and measureable row (sum). The video depicts this, and there is a continuous line. I've drawn a dotted line on the paper. When I modify the count distinct setting, the bottom horizontal axis changes from "percent of Total Running Sum of Distinct count of Proeduct" to the product names (which are letters). The video has a continuous line and shows the CNTD(), the "percent of Total..." What can I do to make my outcome like theirs?

(Tableau 10.0.2; Windows 8.0)
Mar 25, 2022 in Tableau by Neha
• 9,020 points

1 answer to this question.

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What I believe is lacking from your statement is that you must do TWO table computations. The Table Calc settings window is connected below, where you must:

Define Running Total with a specified dimension, which in your instance would most likely be [Product]. I utilised [Customer Name] from the Superstore example project in my study, which is also what the screen shows.
Then click Add secondary calculation, where you may define Perfect of Total and have it computed again among the same precise dimensions.


Also make sure you Product dimension is dragged onto Detail section of Marks shelf and it's sorted accordingly (in my screen, I am using [Customer Name]).

enter image description here

Hope this helps.

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answered Mar 29, 2022 by Vaani
• 7,070 points

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