Identifying different regressions Linear Polynomial from a graph and fit regression model accordingly

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I am working with different machine learning algorithms for my dataset. I am using python. I am a beginner in machine learning.

This is the visualization of my dataset. It is understandable there linear regression won't perform well for the whole set. enter image description here

I am willing to divide the graph into 3 regions. Like this image. I want to have 3 regions which are a constant part, polynomial part, and a linear part. enter image description here

I want to predict X first, then need to know in which part it lies and then it will fit the model according to the part. Like if X lies on the polynomial part the system will identify as polynomial part and it needs to fit as polynomial regression.

My question is how can I implement it in such a way? 

Mar 15, 2022 in Machine Learning by Nandini
• 5,480 points

1 answer to this question.

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The constant part of your equation isn't really constant. For varying x, constant indicates the same y. However, given your data, it's the opposite: different y for the same x.
You can't use a constant function to fit data like this (just fitting an intercept).
answered Mar 17, 2022 by Dev
• 6,000 points

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