How do I create a linear regression model in Weka without training

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Suppose the linear model I want is sales = (0.4 * age) + (0.05 * income). How do I create this linear regression model in Weka without training on any data? I just want to save a model file that contains the linear relationship that I already know. No training is necessary. Is this possible in the Weka GUI or through the Java API? If so, how?
Mar 5, 2022 in Machine Learning by Dev
• 6,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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Weka is a classification algorithm. This is possible thanks to the ADAMS framework's MathExpressionClassifier. As the expression, you only need to provide the formula following the =.

If you don't want to use ADAMS, you can use the mxexpression-weka-package library instead. However, you'll have to change the names of the attributes in your formula to attX. (with X being the 1-based attribute index). ADAMS includes this bundle as well.
answered Mar 9, 2022 by Nandini
• 5,480 points

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