The SUM function in Excel is another way to add numbers. Type =sum() into a cell to utilise the SUM function. Within the parenthesis, type the cell references for the cells you want to add. The AutoSUM button, which resembles the Greek letter sigma, inserts the SUM function into a cell automatically.
Excel's Addition
By clicking on any cell and inputting the = sign, followed by the numbers you want to add together separated by a + symbol, you can use Excel as a calculator to add numbers.
Using Excel as an example, add 9+7.
Type "=9+7" into any cell (without the quotation marks).
The SUM function is another way to add integers in Excel. In a cell, type =sum() to utilise the SUM function. Within the parenthesis, put the cell references for the cells you want to add.
The AutoSUM button, which resembles the Greek letter sigma, will insert the SUM function into a cell automatically.

Values Separated by a comma
This is used to combine the values of several cells. Within the function, commas are used to separate the cell references. These cells in the spreadsheet don't have to be next to each other.
Example: Combine the values of cells A2 and A3.
The value of A2 is 9.
The value of A3 is 7.
In another cell, type "=sum(A2,A3)" (without the quotation marks).