How to scrape a public tableau dashboard

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Every day, I have to download data from a publicly accessible Tableau dashboard. The dashboard allows you to download the series when you've defined the parameters of interest (time series frequency, time series interval, and so on).

My life would be a lot simpler if I could use Python or R to automate the download of these series to a database. I tried to evaluate the requests made on the website before, but I couldn't go very far. Is it possible to automate this process? Publico/views/DemandaMxima/Histrico

DemandaMxima?:embed=y&:showAppBanner=false&:showShareOptions=true&:display count=no&:showVizHome=no
Mar 4, 2022 in Tableau by Vaani
• 7,070 points

1 answer to this question.

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To extract data from Tableau workbooks, I created a tableau scraper library.

You may easily import data from workbooks into a pandas dataframe. Also supported are the parametered values.

The following example obtains data from the worksheet Simples Demanda Máxima Ano, switches to daily mode, displays the data from the worksheet Simples Demanda Máxima Semana Dia, and then sets the start date to January 1, 2021:

FROM tableauscraper IMPORT TableauScraper AS TS

url = ""

ts = TS()
wb = ts.getWorkbook()

# dataframe with yearly data
ws = wb.getWorksheet("Simples Demanda Máxima Ano")

# switch to daily
wb = wb.setParameter("Escala de Tempo DM Simp 4", "Dia")

# dataframe with daily data
ws = wb.getWorksheet("Simples Demanda Máxima Semana Dia")

# switch to daily
wb = wb.setParameter(
    "Início Primeiro Período DM Simp 4", "01/01/2021")

# show dataframe with daily data from 01/01/2021
ws = wb.getWorksheet("Simples Demanda Máxima Semana Dia")
answered Mar 4, 2022 by Neha
• 9,020 points

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