erbi how to create family trees Hierarchy Chart with multiple children

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This link shows how to create family trees/Hierarchy Chart in powerBI using the Hierarchy Chart Custom Viz by Akvelon. It shows how a node could have a multiple parents. But is there a way to have multiple children for the same parent?

Visual diagram:

enter image description here

In case of the above example I would like to show that Jeffrey Knight and Sandra Knight have one more son called my brother.

Reproducible data for problem (Insert in Advanced Editor for Power Query)

    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("jY5dC4IwFIb/yti1wqbp7DaEoA8IvFxeDDo2oZaMFfjvO5uJ2Y3BYOfdnufdpKScRrSEV2vI3rRX7TDytRAx7un5yViSr3Cs4NbQOpI0wXDsycY+nAYb4IL9wOOl51MvK3Ox6rs/C0o2KDmOJ2XBuGD4hh00jYV+pqReEYNSzJUsxE6R6t46HXDO4gRJnHFtLf6gm/j8c2b6fw0xvnAAWKaLqX+Zr98=", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#"Self ID" = _t, Name = _t, Years = _t, #"Parent ID" = _t, Relationship = _t]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Self ID", Int64.Type}, {"Name", type text}, {"Years", type text}, {"Parent ID", type text}, {"Relationship", type text}})
    #"Changed Type"

I am not sure how to have two arrows starting from Jeffrey Knight which is already present in the data. Duplicate rows does not work as powerbi throws an error if two values are identical in the Id column: "items have the same id".

Self Id   Name              Years   Parent Id   Relationship
1         Devin Knight      xxxx-   3&4         self
2         my brother        xxxx-   3&4         brother
3         Sandra Knight     xxxx-               Parent
4         Jeffrey Knight    xxxx-               Parent

###########update 1

if there is any dax coding that could help then please provide the suggestions

##############update 2

this is how the data should look like. Row with self id 3 and 4 indicate a parent with two children. If we enter data this way then the powerbi throws error and I am looking for suggestions

enter image description here

Feb 28, 2022 in Power BI by Edureka
• 13,670 points

1 answer to this question.

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The hierarchy tree may display hierarchical data in a visual tree form, similar to the decomposition tree, which allows you to compare two metrics, such as budget and real, and see how they differ.

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answered Mar 2, 2022 by Edureka
• 13,670 points

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