Which of these will vanish Flink vs Spark

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Big Data Hadoop is trending. I often listen people telling 

"Flink will replace Spark"

"Spark will replace Flink"

 Will any of these happen? Or will they both stay? Answer below what you think..

Aug 10, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Omkar
• 69,220 points

2 answers to this question.

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Both Spark and Flink both can handle iterative, in memory processing. But what about speed? When it comes to speed, Flink can be programmed to process only the data that has changed, which is where it beats Spark at speed. And wouldn't you choose a framework that's faster? I would!! 

answered Aug 11, 2018 by slayer
• 29,370 points
0 votes
At first glance, Flink and Spark would appear to be the same. The main difference is Flink was built from the ground up as a streaming product. Spark added Streaming onto their product later. Apache Spark and Apache Flink are both open- sourced, distributed processing framework which was built to reduce the latencies of Hadoop MapReduce in fast data processing

Flink processes data the same way, whether it is finite or infinite. Spark does not: it uses DStreams for streaming data and RDD for batch data. Spark was built, like Hadoop, to run over static data sets. Flink can do this by just stopping the streaming source.

What Spark has that Flink does not is a large install base of production users. Now it's too early to tell which one will take over the other.
answered Aug 13, 2018 by kurt_cobain
• 9,350 points

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