How to add Azure Virtual machine to an existing availability set

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Hey guys

I want to create two virtual machines in Azure which should not be connected to each other. I created first virtual machine and also created an availability set as part of its creation process.

Now when I create the second virtual machine then I don't get the availability set created as part of first virtual machine in the drop down list of availability sets.

However if I try to connect the second virtual machine as part of first one then I am able to see the availability set created as part of first virtual machine.

Is it mandatory for virtual machines to be connected to each other so that I can add them to the same availability set? Is this a limitation only from azure portal and there is a workaround using powershell?


If we connect two virtual machines then we can get the benefit of availability set. However, at the same time both virtual machine becomes part of same cloud service and hence are load balanced by azure which does not support sticky session.

My scenerio is that I have identical front-ends which needs to support sticky session. Therefore I don't want to connect them to each other. However, I want to get the benefits of availability sets as mentioned in the article on Availability sets.

So can I set availability set for two identical virtual machines not connected to each other?


Aug 10, 2018 in Azure by cloudie_crank
• 1,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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You cannot associate an Availability Set to an existing Virtual Machine, as it can be done only while creating a new VM.

There is a workaround for this, where you can recreate a new VM from an existing one and to make it really easy.

Run the script and provide the requested parameters -

Set-ArmVmAvailabilitySet.ps1 –VmName 'MyNewVmName' –ResourceGroup 'MyResource Group' –AvailabilitySetName 'AsName'
Key in your subscription details when prompted for it.

Hope this helps!!

If you need to know more about Azure, then you should join Microsoft Azure certification course today.

Thank you!!

answered Aug 10, 2018 by null_void
• 3,220 points

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